2-Way SMS as the name implies refers to a service which enables you to send bulk SMS to people and and also receive replies from those people who received your message. This helps you to see and manage the replies people send to you providing a simple feedback system for you online real-time. Some of the numerous benefits of 2-way SMS gateways include:
- It enables businesses and membership based organisations engage with their prospects
- Promotes and strengthens relationships
- Improves the results of your bulk SMS marketing.
EbulkSMS provides you with a unique 2-way SMS that makes communication between your business and your audience a 2-way conversation, creates a very useful messaging tool for collecting consumer interests or information by making it possible for responses to be sent by recipients of inbound SMS. This could also be for marketing or advertising purposes.
To get into the 2-way sms, you need a phone number. It could either be a long number(code) or a short number(code).
The long number comes with 11 digits provided by GSM networks, while the short numbers are 5-6 digits(20058).
There are 2 types of short and long codes defined by number of users:
1. Shared Code: This is a code shared by other users. In this case, a keyword of your own choice is used to differentiate you from others. You can also use as many keywords as you want for different projects, and you tell them to include the keyword in their reply. This is cheaper than dedicated codes.
2. Dedicated Code: This is a code assigned to only you. It is also advisable for clients who will be sending high volume of SMS over a bouquet of mobile services. The recipients of your SMS will be charged by their network when they send SMS to your short code, and then your money will be stored in a dedicated account for you.
The uses of the 2-way sms varies in different ways;
- It can be used for market surveys.
- It can be used for voting.
- Used for authentication.
- For competitions.
- For service billing.
How to get started?: Register with www.ebulksms.com and get started right away!