Here is some sample code you may use when sending SMS from your java application to EBulkSMS.
Remember you need to have registered an account and generated your API Key in order to test this service.
import*; import*; public class PostXml { public static void main(String[] args) { String[] recipients = {"2348023456789", "2348012345678"}; String xmlrecipients = ""; String username = "your_email_address"; String apikey = "your_apikey"; String sendername = "SenderName"; String message = "Enter your SMS message content here."; String flash = "0"; String theoutput = ""; String randmsgid = Double.toString(Math.random()); for( int i =0; i < recipients.length; i++ ){ xmlrecipients += "<gsm><msidn>"+ recipients[i] + "</msidn><msgid>" + randmsgid + "_" + i + "</msgid>" + "</gsm>"; } String xmlrequest = "<SMS>\n" + "<auth>" + "<username>" + username + "</username>\n" + "<apikey>" + apikey + "</apikey>\n" + "</auth>\n" + "<message>" + "<sender>" + sendername + "</sender>\n" + "<messagetext>" + message + "</messagetext>\n" + "<flash>" + flash + "</flash>\n" + "</message>\n" + "<recipients>\n" + xmlrecipients + "</recipients>\n" + "</SMS>"; String theurl = ""; PostXml requester = new PostXml(); theoutput = requester.postXMLData(xmlrequest, theurl); if(theoutput.contains("100")){ System.out.println("100"); } else{ System.out.println(theoutput); } } public String postXMLData(String xmldata, String urlpath){ String result = ""; try { URL myurl = new URL(urlpath); URLConnection urlconn = myurl.openConnection(); urlconn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "text/xml"); urlconn.setDoOutput(true); urlconn.setDoInput(true); urlconn.connect(); //Create a writer to the url PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(urlconn.getOutputStream()); pw.write(xmldata, 0, xmldata.length()); pw.close(); //Create a reader for the output of the connection BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlconn.getInputStream())); String line = reader.readLine(); while (line != null) { result = result + line + "\n"; line = reader.readLine(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } }
If you don’t have an account already you can create one right now.
Opening an account is completely FREE!
First of all, you need to register here and we will create your account with some free units.
You are free to use your free SMS units to send SMS to any GSM phone with any sender name of your choice.