
Choose the price band that works for you.

Pay using bank transfers, or debit cards with speedy confirmation.


Minimum payment

₦ 300

₦3.00 per unit

9Mobile = 2 units

MTN, Glo, Airtel = 2.5 units

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Minimum payment

₦ 1,000

₦2.00 per unit

9Mobile = 2 units

MTN, Glo, Airtel = 2.5 units

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Minimum payment

₦ 19,000

₦1.90 per unit

9Mobile = 2 units

MTN, Glo, Airtel = 2.5 units

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Minimum payment

₦ 7,770,000

₦1.85 per unit

9Mobile = 2 units

MTN, Glo, Airtel = 2.5 units

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Price Calculator
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You'll need about:

units at   ₦ per unit per unit

Bank Account Details

ATM transfers Minimum Deposit/Transfer of ₦ 500.00

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Account Name: Human-Aware RTS Ltd.
Account Number: 0062712887

* MINIMUM payment is ₦500!

Please note that payments below the minimum payment will be declined.

You may fill this form after making a deposit, POS, ATM, or bank transfer.

For international networks and coverage for other countries visit our coverage page.

2.5 units per SMS to all GSM networks in Nigeria, except 9Mobile (former Etisalat) which is 2 units.

Kindly ensure you use your email address as the depositor, remark, or narration.