
New year SMS Collection (Show All Template Collections)

# Title SMS Actions
141  Let us make new resolution  It is the New Year,
Let us make new resolution, that we will be victorious in this new year.
Happy New Year...
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142  It is the New Year,  It is the New Year,
Let us make new resolution, that we will be victorious in this new year.
Happy New Year...
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143  Let us start a new beginning,  Arise, awake it is a new year,
Let us start a new beginning,
leaving our failures behind..
Happy New year...
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144  Get all your friends,  Get all your friends,
Party till the day ends.
Then the ball will drop,
And the balloons will pop.
Happy New Year
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145  As the new year is going to start.  As the new year is going to start.
May the good times,
live on in our memories.
and may we learn lessons,
from the troubling times.
That will make us stronger and better than ever.
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146  May the next year be even better,  Happy New Year to you,
And when the new years done,
May the next year be even better,
Full of pleasure, joy and fun.
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147  A happiness buffet.  Happy New Year to you!
May every great new day
Bring you sweet surprises"
A happiness buffet.
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148  I hope to have more happenings with you!  I hope to have more happenings with you!
I will surely enjoy every second spent with a friend as cool as you!
Happy New Year!
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149  This New Year let us rock on our friendship,  This New Year let us rock on our friendship,
And resolve to paint the town red again!
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150  We may not always be communicating with each other,  We may not always be communicating with each other,
but we share a strong bond of friendship,
that keeps us connected by our hearts each day of the year.
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151  New Year is the time to remember all the memories we shared,  New Year is the time to remember all the memories we shared,
all the fun things we did,
all the secrets we poured out,
for distance is the last thing that can create a rift in our friendship.
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152  May 2016 strengthen our friendship even more  May 2016 strengthen our friendship even more. I love you! Send SMS
153  A new year can be a new beginning for many out there.  A new year can be a new beginning for many out there.
I just hope that whatever your troubles are,
Are left behind in 2015 and that you may welcome 2016,
With nothing but happiness...
Happy New Year my friend...
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154  Whatever did not bring you joy, just leave behind;  Whatever did not bring you joy, just leave behind;
Whatever made you cry, bid them goodbye
For New Year is the time for Festive Cheer,
Where I wish only happiness and smiles for you, my dear friend.
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155  You have been with me through thick and thin.  You have been with me through thick and thin.
I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for me,
my dearest, sweetest friend.
May this year bring nothing but joy for you.
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156  I wish that the New Year strengthens our friendship,  I wish that the New Year strengthens our friendship,
and that it may pass the test of time in flying colors.
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157  This New Year my wish for you is that you should never change.  This New Year my wish for you is that you should never change.
For you are just perfect as is my dear Friend.
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158  Make a positive difference  New Year is the time to acknowledge the people in your life,
who make a positive difference " so I take this opportunity to salute our friendship.
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159  This New Year my wish is not only for us  This New Year my wish is not only for us,
but for our friendship in general.
I wish that no misunderstanding or sadness may ever mar the relationship.
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160  A friend like you is the brightest gem in the treasure trove of life.  A friend like you is the brightest gem in the treasure trove of life.
This New Year, I take the opportunity to thank you for being such a wonderful person,
Whose very presence fills my life with happiness and cheer.
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