
Christmas SMS Collection (Show All Template Collections)

# Title SMS Actions
61  When you read this message,  When you read this message,
May the love and prayer I have filled in this card
Spread to you like Christmas magic,
And let it flow to your nears and dears.
Merry Christmas To you
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62  Christmas and New year are there for party.  Christmas and New year are there for party.
So Let us celebrate the Christmas and New year,
To take a break and get ready for a new start.
Merry Christmas to You!
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63  As the Christmas Day comes and you pray at Church,  As the Christmas Day comes and you pray at Church,
Do not forget those who have nowhere to pray,
Those who have nowhere to live,
Share the happiness and love with them.
That is the best celebration you can give to Jesus.
Merry Christmas To you
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64  It is the Christmas Day again,  It is the Christmas Day again,
It is the birthday of our savior.
Time to dress up and enjoy!.
Merry Christmas to You...
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65  Let us pray to God,  Let us pray to God,
For all the mercy He has shown to us.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
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66  Magic of Christmas,  Magic of Christmas,
Gives you the Confidence to face all the challenges waiting ahead.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year!
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67  I am having great pleasure to wish you Merry Christmas  I am having great pleasure to wish you Merry Christmas
And Happy new year Filled with fun and Celebration...
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68  Have yourself a very merry christmas,  Have yourself a very merry christmas,
Count your blessings and be thankful,
May you reap all the fruits of your hardwork.
Merry christmas!...
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69  Oh! Christmas is the best time of the year,  Oh! Christmas is the best time of the year,
It is filled with fun, laughter, and good cheers,
So i wish the whole world a merry christmas.
May overwhelming joy fill our hearts!...
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70  Christmas season is the time for holidays,  Christmas season is the time for holidays,
I wish you a great Christmas,
Filled with fun and celebration.
Merry Christmas To you!
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71  The birthday of their king,  The birthday of their king,
Who has sacrificed himself,
To save us from our sins.
May his love and affection,
Fill your soul and spread to others!!!
Merry Christmas To you...
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72  On this Christmas Season,  On this Christmas Season,
May the Joy and Happiness,
Spread like the lights of Christmas Tree.
Merry Christmas To you
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73  Christmas is the season for party and fun.  Christmas is the season for party and fun.
Let us start with prayers and praise.
Let the happiness and joy fills our house.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
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74  Nations will rise and fade,  Nations will rise and fade,
Kings will rule and fall,
But Christmas will be forever
It is the birthday of our Lord.
Merry Christmas and New Year
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75  On this Christmas,  On this Christmas,
Celebrate the day with fun,
And dance with family.
Merry Christmas To You!...
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76  May the magic of Christmas brings you Happiness,  May the magic of Christmas brings you Happiness,
Cheers and fun into your life.
Merry Christmas to you...
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77  The Lord has been born to save us,  The Lord has been born to save us,
Let us rejoice and enjoy the birth of our King.
Merry Christmas to you
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78  Christmas proclaims that God will be with us always  Christmas proclaims that God will be with us always
Let us Celebrate this Happiness with Fun and Dance!
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79  That morning feels so special,  That morning feels so special,
Evening is at peace,
Something is magical about christmas,
something that sets apart,
A wonderful holy start,
Merry christmas and a Happy New Year!
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80  The journey of our life is with many twists and turns,  The journey of our life is with many twists and turns,
But with faith and courage,
No obstacle can stop you,
From reaching your goals.
Keep faith,peace and kindness in your heart.
you shall always shine...
Merry Christmas!
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