
Valentine SMS Collection (Show All Template Collections)

# Title SMS Actions
101  Love is ...  Love is what I see in your smile every day.
Love is what I feel in every touch you give.
Love is what I hear in every word you say.
Love is what we share every day we live.
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102  The smallest word  D smallest word is I,
the sweetest word is LOVE
and the dearest person
in the world is U.
tats y I Love You........
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103  If you love me  If you love me, let me know.
If you don't, please let me go.
A very happy Valentines' day!
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104  Kiss your val  It's soon going to be Valentine's day again!
If you're married, go and kiss your spouse;
If you have gf/bf, go and kiss that person;
And if you're single, kiss your palms and thank God!
Happy Valentine's day!
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105  The way you laugh  The way you laugh, makes me smile;
The way you talk, gives me butterflies;
Everything about you, makes me happy.
Can you make me happy for the the entire lifetime by being my Valentine?
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106  Ur the angel of my heart  U're d angel who I cherish so dearly
in this heart of mine,
D one who makes my day brighter,
by making my whole world shine!
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107  What is love  Q:Wat is luv?
Luv is wen sum1 breaks ur heart
n d most amazing thing
is that u still luv them with every broken piece!
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108  Don't break my love  Love is like a CD track
That links our hearts together
Don't ever break that CD cos
That would break my heart too.
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109  You're always in here  What is the difference between blood and you?
Blood enters the heart and flows out
but you entered the heart and stayed.
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110  To be your last  I don't care how many lips u've kissed,
how many shoulders u've embraced
& how many times u've said, I Luv U!
All I care is not be the first but to be ur last!
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111  Incomplete  You are the twinkle of my eyes;
The smile on my lips;
The joy of my face;
Without you I am incomplete.
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112  Admirer's color  Blue - free
Green - waiting
Orange - going to propose
Pink - accepted proposal
Black - rejected proposal
White - all ready booked
Yellow - broke up
Gray - not interested
Red - leave me alone
So which color do u choose?
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113  Candle without light  I cannot live without your love -
My life would not be the same;
For I would be incomplete,
Like a candle without a flame......
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114  More love each day  For you see, each day I love you more.
Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.
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115  Robert Browning - grow old  Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be. Send SMS
116  Captain Corelli's Mandolin  When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part Send SMS
117  The moon and the sky  One day the moon said 2 me, if ur lover makes u cry why don't you leave ur lover.
I looked at the moon n replied would u every leave ur sky?
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118  Loving is understanding  Loving is not how u forget but how u forgive,
not how u listen but how u understand,
not what u see but how u feel
& not how u let go but how u hold on.
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119  Your toothpaste  I want to kiss ur lips
I want to play with ur teeth
I want to taste ur tongue
Hey! Don't get worried friend
I'm only ur toothpaste.
Happy valentine dear
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120  Knitted hearts  I had a heart n that is true,
But now it has gone from me to you.
So care for it just like I do,
Because now I'm in your heart and you in mine.
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