
New year SMS Collection (Show All Template Collections)

# Title SMS Actions
161  You are more than just a friend to me  We have shared stories, secrets, laughter, and pains.
You are more than just a friend to me
because you made me feel like I am your family.
Happy New Year!
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162  New year is always a celebration.  New year is always a celebration .
But I am more happy to wish you
Happy New year as you are my best friend
Happy New Year!
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163  Happy New Year My dear friend  As you dance and celebrate New Year
With hope of better new year,
My prayers will be with you always.
Happy New Year My dear friend
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164  Wishing you a Happy New Year  Wishing you a Happy New Year filled
With fun happiness and spirit.
But do not drink too much sprit..
Happy New Year!
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165  I thank the Lord for opening another new chapter in our life,  I thank the Lord for opening another new chapter in our life,
May we live each page with more meaning,
By touching people's lives each day!
Happy New Year!
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166  The New Year is the time of unfolding horizons and the realization of dreams,  The New Year is the time of unfolding horizons and the realization of dreams,
may you rediscover new strength and garner faith with you,
and be able to rejoice in the simple pleasures that life has to offer,
and put a brave front for all the challenges that may come your way.
Wishing you a lovely New Year.
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167  May God bless your endeavors  Whatever resolutions
or changes you may make,
Whatever new directions
or paths youd like to take,
May God bless your endeavors
and guide you to success,
And fill the coming year with all
that brings you happiness.
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168  This New Year, I wish that God showers you with His choicest Blessings,  This New Year, I wish that God showers you with His choicest Blessings,
Fate never takes you for a bumpy ride,
Cupid strikes you with his sweetest arrow,
Lady Luck bestows upon you health and wealth,
Your Guardian Angel keeps your mind alert and bright.
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169  May your new year be blessed  May your new year be blessed
with peace, love and joy.
Sending you my heartfelt wishes
With joy that never ends.
Wishing you a very happy new year...
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170  Wishing you a year that is filled with all the fragrance of roses,  Wishing you a year that is filled with all the fragrance of roses,
illuminated with all the lights of the world,
and be blessed with all the smiles on the planet.
Hope this year will be the year when all your dreams come true.
Happy New Year 2016.
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171  Thank you for the care, guidance and love.  We are what we are today because of you.
Thank you for the care, guidance and love.
This New Year, I want to let you know how much you mean to me.
Happy New Year!
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172  I thank God for giving me a wonderful mother.  I thank God for giving me a wonderful mother.
Mom, I love you.
Happy New Year!!!...
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173  We are given another year to look back at our lives.  We are given another year to look back at our lives.
I want you to know how much I deeply appreciate your efforts.
I now understand why you sometimes scold me,
I know you have been through a lot,
and you want nothing but the best for me.
Thank you, Mom, for your unselfish love.
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174  New Year is another year for me to enjoy your company,  New Year is another year for me to enjoy your company,
and cherish the memories that our family will create.
I am so happy to live knowing that you are here by my side.
Happy New Year to us!
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175  I am so blessed to have such a supportive and loving Mom as you.  I am so blessed to have such a supportive and loving Mom as you.
I promise to be worthy of your love.
That is my New Years resolution which I hope to follow.
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176  Cheers to the best Mom in the world!  Cheers to the best Mom in the world!
Happy New Year!
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177  Happy New Year Mommy!  This New Year, I want to let you know how thankful I am for having you as my Mom.
Happy New Year Mommy!
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178  Another Day, Another Month, Another Year.  Another Day, Another Month, Another Year.
Another Smile, Another Tear, Another Winter.
A Summer Too, But
There Will Never Be Another You!
May Lovely, Happy Times
Decorate This Time Of The Season.
May Warm, Special Memories Brighten Your New Year.
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179  A mother and daughter bond is forever.  A mother and daughter bond is forever.
It knows no age, no time.
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180  New Year will not be complete if I celebrate it without you.  New Year will not be complete if I celebrate it without you.
You never fail to make this day special with all the simple gestures that you shower us.
That is why New Year is always a celebration for all of us.
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